

Fact Sheets

Villa Pileggi Certificate


What is Organic Certification?

This is where an organic certifying group audits a business’ methods to ensure that they comply with national or international rules, regulations and standards for organic farming and processing.
Many people certify their business to be able to reassure wholesalers, retailers and consumers that their produce is organic.
Australian Certified Organic (ACO) is Australia’s largest certifier for organic produce. ACO is a fully-owned subsidiary of Biological Farmers of Australia (BFA). The Australian Certified logo (affectionately known as the ‘bud’ is Australia’s organic industry’s leading logo). It carries with it the ability to market organic produce on both domestic and international markets with confidence and market advantage.

The logo is well recognised both in Australia, and now increasingly in key areas such as Asia, Europe and the U.S.

Having the largest market share means that organic certification is now becoming synonymous with BFA certification and the BFA logo.

Certified Organic products are grown and processed without any synthetic chemicals, fertilisers or genetic modifications. Organic is not just about free chemical testing, it highlights the way food is grown and handled. The whole system is linked - soil, plants, animals, food, people and the environment.

The standards achieved are internationally recognised and assured with annual audits by an independent External Auditor for all certified operators.

Finally, the only way customers can be assured that they are purchasing REAL ORGANIC products, produced without synthetic chemicals, is to purchase products which have been organically certified with AUSTRALIAN CERTIFIED ORGANIC – NOW THAT’S CONFIDENCE. 

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Villa Pileggi Certificate




Updated 30/11/2014 JCG